City Hall is open from 8am to 5pm, Monday through Thursday. If it's after hours, drop any payments or paperwork in the lockbox by the front door. This is a secure spot and checked several times daily.



news and updates


Open House for Grants Pass to Rogue River Multimodal Plan


Multimodal Pathway

The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is partnering with the City of Grants Pass and the City of Rogue River as well as Jackson County and Josephine County to develop the Grants Pass-to-Rogue River Multimodal Plan. This plan will identify a continuous trail linking Grants Pass to City of Rogue River and filling a gap in the larger regional trail network.

The project team wants to hear from you! 

On Thursday, August 29th the project team is hosting an open house from 5:00 to 8:00pm at The Hivve (meeting has been relocated to the Grants Pass Council Chambers located at 5th and A Street in Grants Pass). Pop in at your convenience and provide feedback on your vision for the Rogue River Greenway and the potential trail alignments. 

What: Grants Pass to Rogue River Multimodal Plan Public Open House

When: Thursday, August 29th 5:00 to 8:00pm

Railroad Symbol on Pathway

Where: Grants Pass City Council Chambers, 5th and A Street, Grants Pass, OR


Why: Your input will guide and inform the selection of a recommended trail alignment.

Help us promote the project and open house by sharing this information with your friends, families, neighbors, and colleagues.
To learn more, please visit the project website: GRANTS PASS-TO-ROGUE RIVER MULTIMODAL PLAN (


The City's Annual Budget Meeting 

A public meeting of the City of Rogue River was held on June 20, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at 133 Broadway Street, Rogue River, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 (next year) as approved by the City of Rogue River Budget Committee.  A summary of the budget can be reviewed here:  Proposed 2024-2025 Budget

 >>The latest water quality report is available for review. As expected, it shows the City of Rogue River drinking water exceeds Federal and State Requirements.

Want to get involved in the City as a volunteer?

  • In order to serve the City in any of the Committee volunteer roles, you must live within City Limits and be a registered voter. Applications are available at City Hall, or for download here: City Council, Planning Commission and Budget Committee.


 Want to work for the City? We are currently hiring for an Accounting & Administrative Assistant. See Public Notice page for Job Descriptions, and submit an application to the City as soon as possible!